Thank you to all our friends, fans and followers for your support and enthusiasm throughout 2010. Our promise to bring you a six word story every day may have ended, but the storytelling lives on at our new website.
Now we invite the creative community of artists, designers, writers, poets and typographers to keep Six Word Story Every Day alive by creating your own stories.
Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was challenged to write a story in just six words. The result: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” Hemingway regarded it as his greatest work.
Hemingway’s six word story and self-critique have never been verified but what is irrefutable is that great stories can be told in 60,000 words or just six.
Six Word Story Every Day is a collaboration between Van Horgen, writer, and Anne Ulku, designer. It is a storytelling exploration through language and typography posted every day in 2010.
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